
Sydney Frontrunners

Saturday 10km or 12km Run

10km/12km Centennial Park Run

WHEN: Saturdays
WHERE: Duck Pond, Centennial Park

START TIME:  8.00am

WHAT: A more challenging run with some hills but a particularly beautiful run when you get down near the beach and see the waves rolling in. Quite a few people like to cool off and take a quick dip at the Bronte Beach Pool before continuing on to the Cemetary and back to the park, but this is, of course, purely voluntary.

For the slightly shorter 10km run, the route is exactly the same until you come back in to the park. 
Instead of turning right and curving around to the north side before heading back down to the pond, you turn left and then right to meet back at the Duck Pond. (see the purple arrows in the map below)

Estimated run times approximately 55-75 mins

RUN MAP 12km (Red)                                                         


RUN MAP 10km (Red/Purple)


